Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday: We Are Not Buying It, Hot Air Balloon Bandits

So last evening (Saturday evening), after Ivan woke up, and he and I went for a hike, a hot air balloon landed in our front field. Now, the first time that this happened, I was pretty wowed. It is this huge hot air balloon, and it touches down in the field and skids around dramatically and a couple of trucks pull up full of equipment, and it is all very exciting. That was the first time it happened. NOW, it happens every other weekend, and every time the truck pulls in, the driver says, "Oh sorry, we've had a little emergency, do you mind if we land here?" DO YOU MIND IF WE LAND HERE, again. This happens all the time, and my thought is that this hot air balloon situation is totally orchestrated. How many times can you accidentally land in the same place?
This is the first time I have photographed the situation, and Ivan was just so thrilled. It's exciting to be able to include the pictures.
Anyway, Sunday has been lovely. Ivan and I were up early and ran a quick three miles before getting ready and heading to church. Ivan was great in the nursery, and was also a champion during the church service. He waved and was absolutely congenial with everyone. At home, he had a nap and I got in a Gilad workout. Then, my parents arrived to watch Ivan while I went to swim practice. It was a great swim, though we are doing a lot of drills in the off-season. So, we had to do a lot of drills that involved swimming on my side. I really am just terrible at swimming on my side, and as per usual I breathed in half the pool through my nose. Workout as follows:
  • 500 warm-up
  • 10 x 50 side drill, shark and vertical arm drill
  • 1 x 400
  • 6 x 50 stroke count
  • 1 x 400
  • 6 x 50 stroke count
Also, there was some other swimming thrown in there. I am thinking that it turned out to be 3000-ish meters, overall. This coming week in evening swim, we are going to be working on our butterfly. I am pretty excited about it, as I have been working on mine in morning swim for a while now.
I made it home and relieved my parents of Ivan and settled in for the night. Ivan and I made some cookies to send to his cousin, Sloan who is at school and recovering from the H1N1, the angel of which seems to have passed over this house. Yay!!!!

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