Friday, November 27, 2009

Friday:5:45 AM Bike Class

Some people get up at 5:00 AM to go shopping on Black Friday, but I dragged myself out of the bed to get to bike class. When the alarm went off, I decided that I was mentally functioning in the low average range for deciding to get up that early the day after Thanksgiving and a three hour drive with a screaming child. By the time I got to class, I was beginning to feel like I could string a full sentence together.
The workout was hard. I had to stay at 115 rpm's for eight minutes, then some rests before spiking to 120 rpm's three different times. It was quite hard. I was just struggling along the whole time. Todd, our coach, is endlessly encouraging and positive, but I got lots of constructive criticism about my form today. I could not help but decide on the spot that I am a lazy cyclist. I just tool along when I am left to my own devices, and when I am locked down on the bike for and hour and a half, my poor form and lazy cycling habits are very obvious. I got a little better today, but it is such hard work to improve.
I made it through class and headed home and hit Starbucks on the way home. I got my usual decaf soy latte and a coffee for Elliott, and then I got two breakfast sandwiches. Have you had these sandwiches? They are truly delicious, and I am pleased with the nutritional qualities as well. I bought a low-fat turkey-bacon egg-white sandwich and a egg and sausage sandwich for Elliott. Both were delicious, but the extra 150 calories in Elliott's sandwich made it a lot better than my low-fat turkey. His was just fabulous, mine was slightly bland, but with more fiber. I think I would continue to go with mine.
At home, I cleaned around the house, my parents came and helped me decide about a new rug. Elliott and the baby and I went to Swanky's for dinner. I came home and watched The Soup. Headed to bed to continue reading The Elegance of the Hedgehog.

1 comment:

Missy said...

OUCH bike classes have begun, haven't they?

666 as a race number, c'mon, really guys. Just take that one out of the mix for pete's sake.