Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thursday: Run and Gilad and Yoga

Today, was a rather dull day for the Sloans. I hung out at home, ran 4.5 miles with the jog stroller and got in a Gilad workout. Now, the idea was to run further today. For this reason, I scheduled my entire run around 9:30ish AM, so that most likely, Ivan would fall asleep in the jog stroller and take a brief nap so that I could get in a longer run. HOWEVER, my ipod went out AND just after Ivan went to sleep a lawnmower being unloaded off a trailer landed loudly and woke Ivan and the whole run went to pot. SO, 4.5 miles it was, and daylight savings time is killing me. I need one more hour of daylight. If I had it, I could run when I got home. I got home from work early tonight, but could not run, because it was dark, so dark.
If I run with the jog stroller earlier in the morning, Ivan will not fall asleep in the stroller (as he just woke up) and I will definitely not get in any more that 4.5 miles. If I get up before Ivan wakes up, then it is still dark. It is such a predicament. I guess that I could have come home early and gone to the gym after work, but THEN, it would have been crowded and I might have had to wait in line and could not have gotten home in time to relieve our sitter.
I guess I could have gotten up really early and run on the treadmill at the gym while it was still dark, BUT FOR THE LOVE OF MIKE; how many machinations can I go through to meet the expectations of my workout? I have to draw the line, and I draw it at going the gym at 5:00 AM to run on the treadmill.
On that note however, I am meeting to begin a new cycling class tomorrow morning at 5:45 AM. I will be cycling at 5:45 in Todd Nordmeyer's endurance cycling class. I will cycle for an hour and a half and then arrive home by 7:30 AM to get prepped for swim.
I was really excited when I signed up for the class, but now, I am getting a little bummed at the idea of waking up at the crack of dawn. Will let you know how it goes!!

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