Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Wednesday: Swim and Juicer Drama

This morning, I was not out the door to run, as I am managing my nausea and my mornings are just struggling.  My marathon training is abysmal and it occurs to me that I am not sure about speed work, either.  I did make it to swim, where I arrived late due to the fact that my tailgate was open and the alarm starting going off half way to swim and I had to pull over and secure the perimeter.  Then, there was a terrible wreck and then, there was a another terrible wreck, all of which put me on the pool deck at two minutes after 9:00.  So Late!!

Now the workout was great, so it was too bad that I was late.  In fact, I had enough time that I could move down to the public lanes after practice and get in a bit more yardage.  Now, something that I am having trouble with is mid-workout hunger, and by the time I got out to the car I was starving and starving leads to nauseous and it resulted in my eating eight baby quiche.  I am having a baby quiche love affair.   Anyway, I had an entire smoothie before and during the first part of practice and then became ravenous towards the end of practice.  I guess I will have to pack more food.  Is it appropriate to eat a baby quiche poolside?

Workout as follows:

  • 400 free
  • 200 kick
  • 4 x 75 kick/drill/swim
  • 4 x 50 drill/swim
  • 300 pull
  • 3 x 200 IM
  • 300 pull
  • 3 x 100 dec 1:50
  • 300 pull
  • 100 swim
So this was 3000 meters.  It was a great workout.  I came home and engaged in a baby quiche extravaganza.  I never got out to run and Gilad fell completely off my radar.  I am just hoping for the best for tomorrow's run.  

Now, in the evening, I was all set and prepared to make a big glass of my beet/carrot/apple/lemon/ginger juice when my juicer imploded and the motor completely stalled out.  My juicer was approximately 35 years old, and I guess I should just count myself lucky that is has still been going.  Hopefully, I can get to Bed, Bath and Beyond tomorrow and juice myself into the 21st century.  


caroline G said...

When you say that your juicer was that old I am certian there is some rust on it. So I think it is best that it died.

Bets said...

Probably, but it juiced really well. I also felt that I could not clean it.