Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday: Run and Gilad

Ivan in the sheep suit I was made to buy .
Side of the Junior League Disaster
This morning, Ivan was on fall break and I stayed up quite late the night before reading a great article about Mark Zuckerberg in The New Yorker.  It was very good and gave succinct information about the genius behind Facebook.  Now, it also sort of gave me the creeps, and I am more than sort of thinking about shutting down my Facebook page.  You should most certainly read the article and think seriously about it.

Now, because Ivan was on fall break, he and I were at the house together all day, and we had an entire regimen of things to accomplish.  We needed to touch up the paint on the ceiling, get in a run, address the laundry, iron all of Ivan's preschool clothes, water plants, make dinner, proof essays, hang pictures, complain on the phone to both my mom and my sister about all the things that I had to accomplish.  It was all quite overwhelming.

Now, Ivan was pretty game all day, he followed me around with a tiny vanity stool that used to stand in my Grandmas closet.  It is the perfect size, and Ivan would set his stool beside whatever I was doing and then climb up and stand beside me to "help".  It did not always go well (though sometimes it did) and at one point our paths diverged and Ivan betook his stool off to the kitchen and about four hours later, I realized that I could not find my keys.  Nor could I find them when I needed to leave the house and was late.  I ended up having to drive my husband's car and did not find the keys until I arrived home to find that Ivan had climbed on his stool, removed them from the hook AND taken them into the office and shoved them into the office lock.  It was most frustrating.

Anyway, got in a Gilad workout and a jog stroller run.  Swim tomorrow!!

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