Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday:Run, Gilad, and I Have a Red Ceiling

You know, how when you start house projects you mention to people, "Oh, I will knock it out in a day".  It's a small bathroom, it will only take a couple of hours.  THEN, you drop a can of paint on the floor, THEN the ceiling color is ACTUALLY really ugly and has to be repainted.  THEN, you can't freehand the trim as well as you thought, even though the Benjamin Moore paint salesman said it was very easy.  Then, you actually have to prime the trim, because of the type of paint.  THEN, you run out of paint and suddenly you have had a paint project going for two weeks and no one can use the bathroom because you can't put the shower curtain up because of wet paint.  Your husband is slightly frustrated with you and your hand really hurts because of the odd angle that you have to hold it while painting the ceiling.

Today, the whole thing is mostly accomplished and I even reattached the shower curtain.  I have a few touch up issues to accomplish, but it has really taken me two weeks to paint a bathroom that is literally four feet by four feet.  The important thing is that I am finished and I can start the rest of the bathroom redecoration in the next few weeks.

Anyway, on the workout front, I ran four miles, and got in a great Gilad workout.  In other news, I am considering the Rocket City marathon in December and I need to make my decision by the weekend!!

Also, Ivan stuck an entire Doctor Pepper chapstick in his ear and then smeared everything that did not fit into his ear into his hair.  I have given his hair two lathers and it still won't come out.  I am supposed to try peanut butter tomorrow.

1 comment:

Auntie Lee said...

hilarious---but what is Dr. Pepper chap???