Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday: Great Run and a Lovely Day

This morning my running group ran at 6:30 AM which is so lovely.  We often run at 6:00 AM, and 6:30 feels like such a luxury.  I wake up at 6:00, make my oatmeal and tea and motor over to the park feeling the world is a pleasant place. I had a great run.  We had a slow first mile, but everything else was quite fast.  We took a break at mile three and I did not stop my watch so that mile looks about 10 minutes long.  Same with the last mile.  Other than that we held sub-eights, with which I am very pleased.  NOW, the downside to running at 6:30 AM is the same as the downside to being late to swim: you don't get in as much distance.  I like to come out of my Saturday long run with a half-marathon under my belt, and that just doesn't happen when you start at 6:30.

Sometimes I think that I will get up early and arrive at the park at 6:00 AM so that I can get in an extra three miles to ensure my target mileage, OR I could just relish in my extra 30 minutes of sleep and a lovely run.  This is generally my choice, because honestly, who wants to be that anal retentive person who arrives early to run in the dark.  Its just not me.

At home, we loaded up and headed to the farmer's market for Scarecrow Saturday.  Ivan painted a pumpkin and ran about, and it was very hot and it seemed like we all became quite grumpy quite early and had to betake ourselves home in an effort to keep our grumpiness to our selves.

After ironing through a mammoth stack of Ivan's fall clothes, I have installed myself on the couch to relish in a National Trust/ National Treasure marathon.  It is one of my favorite shows; an HD tour of England's historic homes.

Lake tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

scott said...

Hi Betsy,
Haha well thank you for making me laugh today, every time I hear the word anal retentive I laugh.Why? I am sick and immature surely. I dunno