Friday, October 29, 2010

Friday: Swim and Zoo and Ivan Swim

Oh, today was one of those days that Ivan's social schedule kept the wheels hot on the car.  We did manage to get out the door to swim on time, though my smoothie was banana-less as I forgot to restock.  Let me be honest and tell you that a smoothie without bananas is pretty worthless.  Also, I put Ivan's jam toast breakfast on the roof of the car while I was settling him in his seat, forgot about it and then it flew off the roof of the car onto the car behind us as we were driving.  The driver was quite surprised.  I, however, was not surprised in the least as it seems the least of the things that can go wrong on a daily basis in my household.

Swim workout was great.  Dennis coached us today and kept us on interval.  Workout as follows:

  • 6 x 50 kick
  • 6 x 50 drill
  • 6 x 100 swim @ 2:00
  • 6 x 50 kick
  • 6 x 50 drill
  • 6 x 100 swim @ 2:00
  • 3 x 300 pull @ 4:50
  • 100 cooldown
So this was 3400 hundred meters, and it was a hard swim.  I felt like I was pushing the whole time.

After swim, I loaded up Ivan into the car and we headed off to pick up some lunch and then headed to the zoo where we met friends and visited two exhibits that I had not seen yet: the flamingos and the lorakeets.  It was pretty thrilling.  The flamingos were just gorgeous and they stood around on one leg hiding their heads under the wings.  The lorakeets were aggressive and one actually sat on my head, which made me very uncomfortable and will until someone learns how to potty train birds.  The lorakeets were very interesting in that you could feed them special nectar, and Ivan got a real kick out of feeding them.  

Ivan missed his nap, and we had a bit of meltdown at the alligator house, but he marched through it with considerable aplomb for a two year old and had a nice nap in the car on the way home.  At home, OF COURSE, we realized that we had left both "dog" and "wanket" at the pool this morning.  I was going to leave them there, but Ivan's persistent worry, drove us all the way back to the pool to get his security standards.  He was so. so happy, and it eradicated my mom guilt for the afternoon.  

Then, we went to practice Ivan's swimming and I was wildly impressed that he could swim the across the pool short-ways.  It is pretty impressive.  He jumps in on one side, and swims all the way to the steps and climbs out and does it again.  I know it probably isn't that big of a deal, but I feel like he is a small superhero, the next president, or an olympic athlete.  Most likely all three!!!

1 comment:

scott said...

This is my fav Ivan pic Ms. Sloan