Monday, October 11, 2010

Monday: Swim and Gilad

So, no, I did not make it out of bed in time to run this morning.  There is a reason for this, and it is a great one.  I was so absorbed in Rebecca, that I stayed up too late and woke up this morning curled up with the book.  It was so good that I fell asleep reading it, and that has not happened to me since the first time I read Gone With The Wind when I was in the fourth grade.  Last night, I thought I would read my usual chapter before bed and things got out of hand.  There was intrigue, an evil housekeeper and a British estate, which combine are a  recipe for greatness in my opinion.  Now the book, actually had some similarities to Jane Eyre, but I will save all my literary enthusiasm for my book report.  Suffice it to say that I read until I fell asleep last night and as soon as I got Ivan to bed, I curled up on the couch and read until I finished.  I did not take phone calls, I did not acknowledge the television or the laundry (which has been eyeing me with judgement), and when my husband said that he was going into his office (lair), I looked at him briefly with uncomprehending "don't bother me" eyes.

So, enough of Rebecca (except that I can never get enough of Rebecca, and I am SO SO sad that it is finished). Ivan and I made it out the door and were even a bit early to swim.  It was pretty exciting, and good since the workout was a slower one, full of short intervals and other things besides freestyle.  Whenever you start adding other strokes into the mix, especially breaststroke, things slow down considerably and you just don't get in as much yardage.  Workout as follows:

  • 200 swim
  • 200 kick
  • 200 IM
  • 200 pull
  • 6 x 50 breast stroke drill
  • 8 x 25 half fast/ half easy
  • 3 x 200 descend on 3:30
  • 8 x 50 build
  • 4 x 75 IM
  • 4 x 50 IM
  • 4 x 25 IM
  • 600 kick
  • 100 pull
This amounted to 3700 meters, and I was able to get showered and decent before picking up Ivan and grazing around aimlessly at Whole Foods.  I eventually ended up with a beet salad and some chocolate covered cherries, and I stood around and drank sample after sample of some sort of chocolate vitamin drink until I drew a few looks from the staff that clearly said "get from here!!!".  I bought my paltry foodstuffs, and Ivan wedged himself into the wind chimes creating a cacophony of sound for which I am sure that the Whole Foods staff will never forgive me.  

At home, I got in a Gilad workout and cleaned out my entire closet, which makes me feel like a new person.  Tomorrow, it is Bible study and re-immersion into the painting of Ivan's bathroom, with the possibly dreadful color on the ceiling.  Hmmm.

Pic is one that Ivan took of me this afternoon.  He is becoming quite a frustrating member of our household paparazzi.  If ever I am not looking, he grabs the camera and sprints away snapping pics as fast as his little fingers can press.  Usually the pictures are of me with various levels of fury on my face shot from the most unflattering angles possible.  Most of them are of me reaching out my arms for the camera, and many of them are of the rugs, Ivan's pants legs and any other random pictures as he runs around snapping shots haphazardly.  Today was the lone interesting one.  Voila!!  A budding photographer!! He was quite proud.

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