Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday/Thursday: Gilad, Swim and Sickness

When I say that on Wednesday night, I went to bed without washing off my makeup, you can be sure that something of apocalyptic magnitude was wrong. The last time I went to bed without washing off my makeup, I was 13 years old and I stayed up all night with my friend Melissa trying to beat Mario Brothers. We were both up all night, did not wash off our makeup and had blisters on both thumbs from the video game controls.

Over the weekend, Ivan had a cold/sickness of some sort. It involved some spectacular nasal expectorations, a general grumpiness of spirit, and some long naps. Overall, it wasn't that bad, and I watched an entire movie while I knitted during one of the naps. I am inches away from being finished with my sweater.

Anyway, Tuesday night I felt under the weather, but I decided that it was because I am forcing myself into this new get up early lifestyle and I had taken a Pure Barre class at a time that am normally getting some serious REM sleep. This morning, I was still rather sneezy, but decided to buck up and get in a Gilad workout BEFORE I headed into swim. I was on it, but not feeling well. At swim, I wheezed and shivered my way through the following workout:
  • 400 swim
  • 8 x 50 drill swim
  • 4 x 50 IM
  • 6 x 100 swim
  • 400 pull
  • 6 x 100 swim
  • 200 pull
  • 600 kick
I sneezed all the way through my shower and was running a fever when I got home. It was most unfortunate, and these are the times when I feel super dumb for not listening to my body.

I spent the rest of the day hazing in and out of Nyquil naps while I watched season one of 30 Rock. I felt pretty terrible. Today I have felt better, but not done one thing to speak of except for some knitting and feeding of my child.

Skipping out on swim tomorrow, and hoping that I will get to run on Saturday.

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