Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tuesday: Sickness

So Sunday night, I began having some sort of stomach illness (food poisoning? intestinal bug? lake water funk?) and I woke up on Monday morning feeling so horrible that I was forced to lay supine on the couch UNTIL, Ivan crawled up on the couch and fell backwards so hard that we spent the whole morning calling the doctor on call (because no child EVER gets hurt during regular offices hours), making the emergency room decision (negative) and talking to Ivan's regular doctor and a small army of nurses. All while I am creeping about the house feeling desperately ill.
Once we had Ivan as repaired as possible, I was able to lay around and I really lost an entire day of my life. I was completely amazed to find myself in bed at 3:30 PM. I had Gatorade for dinner and watched back-to-back episodes of The Family Guy, which I always mean to quit watching and was asleep by 8:30 PM.

Better today, and hoping that I can get to the pool tomorrow morning!!!

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