Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wednesday: Swim and Gilad

So today, my sickness seems to be 90% abated. I felt well enough to be stir-crazy in the house. The point was to get a great nights sleep and head in to swim after that was accomplished. This meant we got to swim later than intended, but in plenty of time to get in a recovery type workout. I did not keep track of my yardage or my intervals, and I really enjoyed myself. In fact, there is probably no harm in just fun swimming every once in a while. It was a nice time.

Now, after swim, I attempted to load my child into the car to take him to practice his swimming at the Middle TN Scuba Center. Ivan, however, was of another mind and he refused to walk to the car, at which point I was forced to threaten and cajole and count to three futiley about four times. After counting to three to no avail, I had to leave all my bags and swim gear and water bottles and ALL OF IT, to wrestle Ivan (who at this point has laid down flat on the ground and is refusing to look at me when I ask him to stand up. He just keeps staring over to the left as if there is something fascinating happening there instead of a concrete sidewalk.) up from the ground and into his car seat. After I got Ivan into his seat, I had to drive the car over to where I had left all the swim gear and load the gear into the car while Ivan wailed.

We drove to the swim center, where Ivan behaved in a consistent (for today) sort of way. There was much running, much (on my part) counting to three and threatening before we finally had to call it a day and go home.

During Ivan's nap, I got in a Gilad workout, lots of paperwork and a bit more reading on The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest!!!

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