Friday, June 11, 2010

Friday: Run/ Swim/ Flipburger

This morning, like a champ, I was out of bed at 6:20 for a run before I headed off to swim. That is four mornings this week friends, and it is a major accomplishment. It is possibly a greater accomplishment than the thesis I wrote during graduate school, the time I drove down Hillsboro Road from Franklin without hitting one red light, reading War and Peace and childbirth. It is huge.

Swim was great. I was there right on time, had a brief meltdown with Ivan in the nursery and got
to the side of the pool only seconds late. AND, irregardless of my lateness, I swam my pants off and got in the whole workout. Workout as follows:

  • 400 swim
  • 200 drill
  • 200 swim
  • 200 kick
  • 200 pull
  • 200 drill
  • 200 swim
  • 500 kick
  • 4 x 100 swim build
  • 3 x 100 swim descend
  • 300 kick
This was 3100 meters, and it was a great workout. Jamie was there and we had a long talk about the zoo and summer camps and summer books. Also, the new water aerobics instructor is playing Credence Clearwater Revival whiel we swim, which is inspirational.

Ivan had his last swim lesson today, before we headed out to Birmingham to spend the weekend. Now the last time I visited, we tried in vain to eat at Flipburger, but there was an almost two hour wait, and we had a baby in tow and it just didn't work and we had to go for sushi.

This weekend, we scheduled the whole weekend around a successful trip to Flipburger. Now, I have a love affair with Flipburger and let me tell you why:
  1. Very cool, all white booths that have a matching booth upside down above you: Flipburger motif
  2. amazing burger menu: classic burger, wild turkey burger, tuna ahi burger, steak tar tar burger
  3. milkshakes: Krispy Kreme milkshake, foi gras milkshake
I can't say enough good things about it and let me just tell you what I ordered: Beet salad for starters, wild turkery burger with cranberry relish and gouda, tuna ahi burger with mango yolk (it was fascinating-the mango was just like a bulbous benedict type egg yolk, yet it was mango). We also ordered sweet potato fries with chocolate salt and asparagus fries with parmesaen salt. For dessert we split a Krispy Kreme milkshake.

Is your mouth watering? Do you want a Flipburger in your town? On your street? Situated beside your mailbox? It was the best. I plan to center all future trips to Birmingham around Flipburger. It was the best!!

On the downside, my child was the devil. He threw his utensils, ran through the restaurant, and eventually had to be leashed like an animal. On the upside, our waiter was super-tolerant and did not make me feel like a the worst parent in the world or the horrible parent who is ignoring her child's ridiculous behavior.

It was a successful evening!!! Flipburger at last!!!

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