Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday: At 4:30 PM, My Eating Habits Devolved

This just might be my healthiest vacation ever. I have cooked great meals, eaten whole foods, and have not had one sweet in the house throughout the vacation. After my hike this afternoon, things got ugly when I thought I would have one cookie, which turned into cracker-fest, which turned into banana chip/chocolate covered almond medley. It happened really fast, almost before I was aware that I had put anything in my mouth or what it tasted like. How does that happen?

I think it happened this time because I didn't think I had done all that much working out, but in reality, I had swum about a mile, run up and down the three stories of the lake house a bajillion times and then gone out on a paddle boat for a couple of laps around the cove, at which point we went on a hike. Then, I got a craving for a cookie, we went to the grocery and and I was up to my ears in refined sugar and chocolate.

Overall, however, I have to give myself an A for my vacation eating. In the grand scheme of my five days away from home, I have eaten really well. I just had an off half hour. AND, I actually still plan to Yogurt World tonight, because it is MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

1 comment:

Auntie said...

yer KILLIN' me tonight! Laughing hard and loud...scary sounding diabolical shrieking!