Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday: Track Workout, Yoga, and Gilad

TRACK WORKOUT!!!! Track workouts started this morning, or Summer Speed Sessions. Speed Sessions are offered during the Winter and Summer by Fleet Feet which is a track shop in Brentwood, TN. We meet at a High School track and the whole thing smacks of the most hateful and punishing of all after school activities. I swear, I recoil when I see that track. It just brings back memories of coaches and stopwatches and feeling like I was going to vomit.

Speaking of vomiting, this morning a guy showed up to run the speed sessions and introduced himself as the guy who threw up last year. It's a different crowd than the Winter Speed Sessions, but then it is warmer and the distances are shorter, and the crowd is significantly larger. And, I can see that when sprinting a solid mile before 7:00 AM in the morning, you might vomit. I can see how that could happen.

Workout as follows:
  • 5 laps (mile and a quarter) warm-up
  • 2 x (200 fast/200 jog)
  • one mile time trial
  • one mile cool down
I ran the mile in 6:16. I started out way too fast, as is my habit and heaved across the finish line. I am 99 percent certain that I could have run faster if I had gone out at a nice steady pace, and I completely anticipate some planning when we do our second time trial sometime in July.
I got in a Gilad and Yoga workout at home, and then took Ivan to McDonald's before coming home to watch Food, Inc. Food, Inc is an overview of the terrible food processing practices that take place in America. It is, BY FAR, the worst possible movie to watch after taking your child to eat at McDonald's. Watching slaughterhouse meat packed in ammonia to prevent ecoli is beyond terrible. Luckily, as per usual, Ivan ate very little of his meal. His mother ate the bulk of it, as is her habit.

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