Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday: Swim, Gilad and One Cookie

One Cookie!!!!  Yesterday, three cookies, and that is not counting the 1.5 cookies that I stole from Ivan, was the status quo.  Also, I engaged in a bit of Lindt chocolate balling and there might have been some chocolate marshmellowing in there as well.  AND, when I woke up coughing with no Robitussin or cough drops available at 1:00 AM, I might have engaged in a bit of moonshining, because, NO JOKE, someone gave us moonshine for Christmas.

Today, however, was a new dawn, a new day and I had one cookie before my smoothie and then NO MORE COOKIES.  I am not even sure how this much willpower or how the stars aligned themselves, but it is the truth.  I have broken the Christmas cycle.  I might have eaten too many Lindt chocolate balls, but I feel that we should take our victories where we can get them and I only had one cookie, and I am pretty thrilled.  It was personal triumph  self control.

In other news, today was a day that I got up and drank coffee the way that some marathoners drink Gatorade on a 90 degree day.  I guzzled it hardcore with a vengeance that should be reserved for people who have to stay awake for the next 72 hours or those that are working the night shift.  I did not sleep great, as Ivan woke up in the middle of the night and I was forced FORCED to engage in the moonshine, and it turned into THAT kind of day.

Though today was Tuesday, we all engaged in swim to stave off the Christmas calories.  Workout as follows:

  • 500 swim
  • 500 pull
  • 8 x 75 IM
  • 1000 kick
  • 200 warmdown
It was a great post-Christmas workout.  I felt like a human who was not living on terrible Christmas delicacies, but one who was thriving despite the Christmas caloric tomfoolery.  I will swim again tomorrow and maybe twice and I will put this Christmas behind me.

At home, I got in some Gilad and a healthy lunch and dinner and residual Christmas drama.  It happens to all of us.

My review of Marion Davies, The Times We Had tomorrow. Confession: It was not great.

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