Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday: Swim, Gilad, Much Potty Training Advice, and Whiskey Pudding

So last night after swimming 5000 meters and sleeping like a bear in hibernation, I was up and at 'em to make a delicious smoothie and cajole Ivan into the car to get to swim.  Now, NO, I did not put in the hardest swim of my life today, after a long swim yesterday and a week of sickness.  We had a good workout, and I kicked a lot and I pulled a bit, and I think it was around 3000 meters.  I am going to have to hit it a bit harder on Wednesday, but no big thing.  We all have a week off now and then.

 At home, I got in a Gilad workout and then got on the horn and sought potty training advice from some of the smartest of my parenting friends.  The general consensus is that I need to back off the potty training as Ivan is heading for open potty training defiance.  It is most unfortunate, and I guess I will hold off until after New Year's or February.

Finally, in the evening, I began work on my Christmas Whiskey pudding.  It involves Jack Daniels Black Label and golden raisins and vanilla wafers.  You have to put your hands in the batter and my hands still smell like whiskey and I just can't say that it's a bad thing.  I love Christmas.

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