Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday: Day Off

Now yesterday, my blog post was DECIDEDLY LACKLUSTER, I mean honestly, when all I have to report on is the state of my hives, maybe I should just keep quiet.  Confession: I was watching a really riveting episode of Biography on A&E, and it was all about the career of Benny Hill.  He was so odd, but so funny, but so lonely.  I love a good Biography, and that Benny Hilly has been a mystery to me.  I am proud to report that Biography left no stone unturned!!

Today, however, I have many things on which to report.  For one, I am now not participating in the Red and Green meet tomorrow as it is actually next weekend, and I have my marathon.  So, no Christmas relay swim meet for me.  

Now, Ivan and I hopped up this morning to get him to swim, which was great.  His kicking is improving, and he can motor up and down the lanes on a kick board.  He has a fancy new competition swim suit, and is swimming underwater with goggles like a pro.  For 2.6 years old, I feel that I have a real prodigy on my hands.  

Now, after swim, I picked up a breakfast for myself at Starbucks and took Ivan to McDonalds, because I CLEARLY have some sort of mental illness that causes amnesia about previous play place experiences.  The play place was, as per usual, a raging disaster.  There were four women there who had each brought four children, there was a barefooted screamer, there was a bothersome child who tried to talk to me whilst I was reading my new issue of The New Yorker, and there was the inevitability of Ivan getting stuck at the top of one of the plastic towers and calling for me until I climbed up to the top and dragged him down lest I be thought a terrible mother.  Though I probably am a terrible mother for allowing Ivan to enter that great plastic fray of fast food.  

The level of noise inside the play place I can only compare to an asylum pre-antipsychotics: much wailing, gnashing of teeth, threats, squealing, running for no apparent reason to no apparent place and mattressed walls.  Of course when it was time to leave, after he had been knocked down several times, cried, been pushed, choked on chicken McNugget and had his happy meal toy stolen, he was still loathe to leave.  I carried him like a football while he cried and screamed and made me look like a kidnapper as we left.  

At home, I have never been happier to put anyone down for a nap.  It was a thrilling hour and a half of silence, before Ivan woke up and played around and I was overcome with a Yogurt World craving.  Like I said, my last experience there was great!!!  So, I packed up Ivan and thought that I would introduce him to his mother's favorite treat.  This was a mistake, as all my good intentions seem to me.  It had slipped my mind that there is a huge toy store next to Yogurt World.  The dastardly Learning Express had all its Christmas wares front and center.  There were blinking lights and whosits and whatsits, and my child was off at a dead sprint, skidding through the doors with wonder on his face.

He was so overwhelmed by all the toys that nothing could hold his attention, and he ran around in circles halfway picking up one toy before another caught his attention, and he was off and running again.  It was playplace all over again when I had to tackle Ivan and remove him from the store.  Yogurt World was a real drag for him after the toy store, and everyone drove home mad.  

Lovely.  Birthday party tomorrow!!

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