Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tuesday: Run and Gilad

Now, I have found in my life that some people are able to be gracious and attractive when they are operating on less sleep than they ideally get.  They might mention that they are tired, not firing on all piston and may have some dark circles, but they are otherwise themselves.  There are many places where I missed the luck boat and most unfortunately functioning without sleep is one of my main deficiencies.

Without my allotted at least eight hours, I am unattractive with puffy eyes and an angry scowl.  Worse, I am intolerant of the least little thing and often, there are tears.  At my one and only slumber party, I vaguely remember sobbing long about 11:00 PM.  Someone was being loudish, and that was just too much for me. At age 8, I really needed everyone in bed with a book at by 9:30 PM at the latest.  Doesn't that sound like the best slumber party of all time, where everyone gets in bed at a decent hour and every wakes refreshed and pleasant.  I do not even want to TALK about the discomfort of sleeping bags.  Confession:  I officially threw the least fun slumber party of all time.  It was my only one, and I learned a lesson.  Sleep deprivation is not for me.

All this to say that I was woken by some most unnecessary screaming in my opinion long about 1:00AM last night and after much rocking and singing and drinking of warm milk, everyone settled down.  I was, however, robbed of two hours of necessary sleep.  For this reason, I was much prone to  much eye-rolling, peevishness, and snippy feelings.  There is no excuse for failing to be gracious under any circumstance, BUT today I was somewhat ungracious.

This morning, after popping Ivan off to nursery school, I went to Bible study where my exhaustion prompted the inhalation of much pumpkin bread and coffee.  Fatigue often leads me to unhealthy carbs and today was no exception.  At home, I had a healthy lunch but thawed out some tarts and managed to eat more than necessary, before moving through a small gingerbread cottage.

After lunch, I had a great run.  I guess I am tapering for my marathon, but that seems pretty ridiculous given my lack of preparation for this race.  I also got in a Gilad workout.

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