Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Wednesday: Double Swim = Double Dessert

Ok, so I hit the ground running this morning with my power smoothie and a bit of green tea. Got out the door to swim. Got into the pool on time for the first time in weeks. Workout as follows:
  • 400 swim/ 6x50 kick/ 300 swim
  • 2 x 500 pull @ 8:00
  • 4 x 200 swim @ 3:30
  • 8 x 100 alternating swim/IM @ 1:50/2:00
Finished the WHOLE workout (which never happens), before having a piece of cheese cake with Dennis and the rest of the swim group for Dennis' birthday. Sprinted home where Elvin (THE GREAT) was still putting in our windows. Put Ivan down for a nap. Talked to my college roommate, both parents, my sister, and my brother. Got ready to meet my mother-in-law and tour a potential pre-school for Ivan. Toured the pre-school, which was amazing. Though have made the decision to not enroll him, as I feel he is too young. Came home from the pre-school tour, and got ready to go to work. Sprinted into work, where I stayed for a couple of hours discussing Robert Louis Stevenson's Thrawn Janet and Sir Walter Scott's Two Drovers.
I drove home with a head reeling from reading that dirty stinking Scottish brogue. Upon getting home, I was able to make four fundraising phone calls for my Learning Matters fundraiser, before Ivan woke up from his nap. I put him in the stroller and ran three miles while attempting to talk to my sister on my iphone. This went badly; best to talk at home and stick to running with the shuffle.
I then arrived home where I finished the baby's dinner, then the huge cookie that my husband brought me from the Harris Teeter. I packed it up, traded off the baby with my husband and headed to swim number 2. I got in 3000 meters, but didn't write down the workout, which involved a lot of diving, fast 200's and 300's with paddles.
Back home and my husband is watching Chuck Norris, and I am throwing down trail mix and thinking about bed. Tomorrow is for Hood To Coast prep!!!!! Oregon on Friday!!!

In honor of my crazy day, I am posting erratic pics: My sister and I and a friend at Three Blind Wines, My son in the family hunt suit, and my husband and I in Hawaii.

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