Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Cold Relents, But My Spirit is Broken

So, my cold is mostly abated, though I do have the telltale signs of a NyQuil evening; the puffy eyes and the feeling that there is maybe a bit of Saran Wrap between myself and the rest of the world. Only one sneeze today, however, and one nasal passage is completely unblocked. I seem to by approaching a state that I would call "well".
I am remarkably pleased about the improving state of my health, as on Friday morning, I am flying out of Nashville to Portland, Oregon to participate in The Mother of All Relays. It is an endeavor that will require all of my faculties functioning at their peak. No time for illness. I tested out a three mile jog stroller run today and made it just fine. Tomorrow, I plan to hit the workout again as per my wednesday usual: double swim, possibly a run, and if I am really on my game, a bit of yoga and Gilad.
Today, I had a dentist appointment (one cavity). I returned home as per usual and set Ivan down in the kitchen. I went about putting things in the kitchen in order for a few minutes when I noticed that a ghostly quiet had settled over the house. I rounded the corner into the dining room to find that the cat had had an unfortunate reaction to its cat food, and Ivan was storing up the resulting vomit between his hands where he appeared to be shaping it into a snowball of sorts. A VOMIT SNOWBALL. A VOMIT SNOWBALL. When he saw me, he immediately dropped down with both hands into an approximation of downward dog, and proceeded to scoot his vomit slippery hands across the floor as he walked along.
My cries of "No, No!!!!!" spurred him to a frenzy of vomit scooting, and he made it into the foyer and onto the rug before I caught him. As you can imagine, much "no"ing, hand scrubbing, soaping, floor scrubbing, both silent and verbal cursing, as well as a deep deep loss of faith in child rearing, motherhood, and all mankind followed. As I was cleaning the remnants of vomit from the floor, the cat (whom I shall forthwith refer to as "The Beast") leapt with great agility to the dining room table and vomited into the laundry basket.
My student Marshall later asked if that was the "low point of your day". To which I replied, "of my life, Marshall, MY LIFE".

Pics are my first pic home with Ivan and a shot from his Christening wearing my husband's christening gown


Missy said...

A vomit snowball, niceeee! While I don't have kids to run through the barf in my house, I DO have other dogs that will eat said barf. Kinda makes ME want to puke just thinking about it. Nasty.

caroline G said...

I would like to ask again...Do toddlers not have gag reflexes? Cause I know what cat vomit smells like and it is nothing to make a snowball out of.