Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thursday; I Started Back to Work and Skipped Yoga

OH Yes, Ye Readers of My Blog, I have a job. I do some testing in the summer and then I tutor in the fall. I get excited about the tutoring, because I have a sitter (the fabulous Katelen) who comes and stays for three hours, three days a week, and I get to head out on my own. Sometimes, if I do not need to work for three hours, I run errands or run without the jog stroller, or go to the grocery alone. Once, I even went to get sushi, and I ate it while I read a magazine. It was one of the lovelier evenings I have ever had.
I looked forward to Katelen getting here all day, so that I could drive away by myself. Ivan has learned to climb, and I am on constant suicide watch. I cannot help but feel that Ivan awakes each morning with a singular goal of inflicting a life threatening injury upon himself. Sprinting back and fourth across our house like a basketball player running suicides, I become bone-tired by the end of the day.
Immediately after my son was born, I thought I might not go back to work and apprised the parents of my students of the situation. Ivan was three months old at the time and his nap schedule (SORRY!!!, I can't even help but talk about it) was sometimes nonexistent. I had two days in a row, where he only took two 20 minute naps and then cried on and off for the rest of the day. At the end of that second day, I called the parents of all my students, begged for my job back, and began interviewing sitters. Katelen was a perfect match with lots of experience, and I eagerly anticipated her arrival every time she came.
So, after a summer of sparse employment and few baby-free outings, I have been looking forward to Katelen's arrival all day. Especially since it rained all day, and Ivan did not get to play outside.
I was out the door and had a great time at work, was almost sad to come home.

  • I ran three miles with the jog stroller while listening to Shakira sing She-wolf
  • I did my Gilad workout. Todays' workout consisted of lunges and standing ab work
  • I skipped yoga. I'll be back on it tomorrow!!!

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