Sunday, August 9, 2009

America is Cupcake Crazy

How did this cupcaking of America happen?  Do I blame Sex in the City and the Magnolia cupcakes?  It could be their fault.  When I was little, cupcakes were all about dripping Betty Crocker cake mix batter into paper cups in muffin tins, and cooking them too long so that they were dry, and then getting covered in icing while trying to hold them up to be iced.  AND THEN keeping anyone from eating them so that you could take the right amount for your third grade class to eat, and then one for your teacher, and one for the other teachers in the grade, AND if you were that kind of kid, WHICH I WAS, you took one for the principal and her secretary.  The worst Halloween I ever had was the Halloween eve that I spent slaving over monster cupcakes with green icing.  I woke up with strep throat, and had to stay home while my mom took the fruit of my labor to my class party.  The injustice was almost too great to bear.  
Anyway, Sara in our running group had a birthday last Thursday, and I was nominated to bring cupcakes for after our run.  I probably should have just gone to Kroger, but I was romanced by America's cupcakes fixation.  Cupcakes are everywhere, there is the Ivey and there is GiGi's, and my cousin had a cupcake bar at her wedding.  A CUPCAKE BAR.  Have you ever heard of such?  It was super cute.
Anyway, I picked up cupcakes from the Ivey for Sara's birthday.  The Ivey doled out some seriously delicious cupcakes. They are located on Fourth Avenue in downtown Franklin, beside The Mercantile and across from Emaline.  Also, please go to the website and look at the owner, Ivy Childers, because she is glamorous and beautiful and clearly does not eat her own cupcakes.  I had one on Thursday night, and I swear I can barely fit in my jeans on Sunday.  I am not joking when I say you can taste the butter.  They are crazy delicious.  
I bought three different kinds of cupcake:

1) The Apology -  which was yellow cake with chocolate icing and sprinkles
2) The Two Faced - which was chocolate with cream cheese icing
3) The Breakup - which was red velvet cake with cream cheese icing

I had the Apology, and I have been thinking of it longingly ever since.  All cupcakes got rave reviews, (except that Robbie thought his Two Faced had too much icing, and he scraped it off.  Really) and I am completely spoiled.  I am much too good to eat a mere grocery store cupcake or any cupcake that a child would make in a home kitchen.  Much too good.

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