Friday, September 16, 2011

Thursday: Run and Swim

So here is the thing with this running during my confinement, I am so worn out with going to the bathroom.  There is a lot of stopping on the treadmill and hopping off to the bathroom and then there is the getting back on the treadmill and having to start ALL OVER AGAIN with the acceleration and starting up again and all of it.  If I am running at home, I am stopping in someone's yard, and I feel for my neighbors who have seen all my nether regions a million times.  Of course, really, I am always stopping on someone's yard, and it might be more frequent now, but certainly not a new occurrence.  Aaahh, my poor neighbors.

Anyway, I made it almost three miles on the treadmill today and then my ipod ran out of charge and I had to go to the bathroom and I just marched off to the pool, where it is kosher to just urinate where you are, which just would not go over on the treadmill.  I swam for 1000 meters in the pool and then hopped off to hurridly change and pick up Ivan at nursery school where he had had a rather hard day.

I made his favorite beet pancakes for dinner in an effort to perk him up, which it seemed to.  Hard days at nursery school are the saddest.

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