Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sunday: Swim

Church Clothes!!

Now, I guess I have given up on the lake for the season.  The water is cooling, I can't fit into a wetsuit, and blah blah blah, it has disappointed me in both my pregnancies that I am somehow no Paula Radcliffe.  Anyway, I had my usual third trimester terrible night's sleep, full of tossing, turning, feeling that my stomach might squash my lungs, and frequent trips to the bathroom.  I was woken up early with some histrionics from my child, we barely made it to Sunday school on time, and there has probably been way too much TV today, but I am cutting myself some slack and here is why:

About two years ago, I was on my way to a wedding somewhere outside of Ashland City, TN.  We stopped at a gas station, and I went in to get a bottle of water and stood in line behind a man with "Thug Life" tatooed  across the back of his neck. "Thug Life" was written in sort of a gangrene colored calligraphy in an abnormally large font.  He was your basic redneckinsh creature.   He was wearing a sleeveless undershirt and jeans that exposed his crack.  While I was in line, his daughter came up with a king sized Snickers.  She looked really more different than I would expect for the child of the man in front of me in line, and she asked if she could have the king sized Snickers, and here is how "thug life" responded, "No, we are not going to get a Snickers today, we need to go home and have a healthy lunch.  You have had too many sweets and not enough healthy food lately".

It was really a call to lay down my gavel.  I am not sure what I expected from "thug life", but it was definitely a response more along the lines of "shut up, you effing brat, everyone knows that twinkies are better than Snickers". Who would have thought that "Thug Life" would be a parent filled with love and concern for the health of his child.  Kids apparently grow up just fine and encourage redeeming qualities in their guardians at every turn.

Anyway, after a day like today, when I staggered around in a bathrobe, laid around on the couch like we had a carbon monoxide leak and ate sweet potato fries for lunch, it seems that tomorrow will probably be better. I mean, goodness, if a man that made a conscious decision to get "thug life" tattooed across the back of his neck can pull it together to participate well in the process of child-rearing, surely I can made a few good decisions in the coming years.

Anyway, swim in the afternoon; just a mile.  Swim tomorrow morning!!

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