Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunday: A Workout Circus

This morning I decided that it was too cold to go to lake swim as I cannot really fit into a wetsuit, and then there was the water lice situation last weekend, and then it was Sunday school rally day, and we had to be at church at 10:00 AM.  I had decided all this last night, BUT THEN, Ivan woke up twice in the night.  My husband handled the first drama, which I am still not completely clear about, and I handled the second one. I rocked him back to sleep twice and he continued to melt down when I put him back in bed, siting "scary" and "itchy".  Now, "I'm scary" is a relatively common complaint when going to bed, and I normally pay it no mind, but to giggle to myself in my head about all the things about my child that "I'm scary" encompasses.  He is indeed scary to potty train, scary to take to dine in a public restaurant, scary to take to the grocery store, ect, ect, ect. "Itchy" on the other hand is not a common complaint, and it was ultimately found to be linked to the removal of a tick the night before, and his back was still itchy.  I finally gave up and let Ivan sleep in bed with us, which is not my favorite choice, but we all got to sleep.

Morning came way too fast, and I had planned to grocery shop before church and ended up barely making it to Sunday School Rally on time.  Ivan had an accident pretty immediately upon arriving at church, he was mortified and refused to go to Sunday school.  This meant that I had to sit with him for the entire lesson, while he buried his head in my hair.  He really just never got over it, and of course, he had used up all his spare diaper bag pants at nursery school this week, so all I could do was get him into a pull up and mop off his little church shorts.  I sometimes wonder if I have become immune to the smell of urine and am wondering around smelling like the home of a cat hoarder with a spritz of Chanel No. 5, which I feel covers all shameful child-related smells.

After church, Ivan and I went home for naps, and I huddled in bed reading Undaunted Courage about the Lewis and Clark expedition.  When my husband arrived home from his bike ride, I loaded up in the car with the grocery list and my swim gear and headed to the Maryland Farms YMCA.  Of course, when I arrived there, all the pools were shut down for an approaching storm.  I waited for a few minutes, returned some emails and then dragged myself to the grocery to stock up on ingredients for glowing green smoothies (are you drinking these yet? and if no, why not??).

My intent was to go grocery shopping, then head to the Indoor Swim Complex and swim there, as their pool is grounded and therefor never closes for lightning.  Of course, by the time I left the grocery store, it was really too late to get there either and I ended up driving grumpily home after shopping for groceries with my bathing suit under my clothes.  My bathing suit is really fitting about like a tourniquet these days, and my grumpiness was enhanced my uncomfortable suit, and I was in a STATE when I got home and realized that I had forgotten the necessary eggs for dinner tonight.

After removing my bathing suit, I went for a long walk/run, which felt great and was thoroughly enjoyable.  At home, I began on dinner and it turned out stupendously if I do say so myself!!

Swim tomorrow!!

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