Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wednesday: Swim and There Was Much Unfortunate Behavior

Sometimes it is 9:30 PM and I do not even know how I ended up on the couch eating Cheetos.  I know I came home from work and I remember eating an apple and complaining on the phone (honestly to anyone who would listen, and it was for sure more than one person) that I felt ill and a bit uneasy, and then I was needlepointing and then Cheetos happened.

You know, once my husband's grandmother had a few of us for dinner and I was sitting in her Florida room staring at her ginormous man-hating parrot, Buckwheat, and she came out with a tray of champagne flutes and a bowl of Cheetos.  Let me just tell you, it was the best night ever, though I find I should be careful with champagne.  Aaaahhh, champagne.

Anyway, Ivan and I were on time for swim.  It was miraculous, and I swam 3500 meters including 700 yards of IM.  I actually felt pretty rugged all morning and throughout swim and though I did not time any of my intervals, I was swimming next to Brian and he swam so much faster than me and SO much faster than I remember him swimming, that I think I was swimming so slow I was like a sea slug.  AND, normally if I swim for as long as I did today, I get in 4000 meters and today it was 3500.

I tried take Young Sloan to story time at the library, where he ran about, sprinted through the rows of seated toddlers, punched the stained glass windows of Tennessee animals and flowers, and overwhelmed a small barely walking infant in a smock suit to tears.  When physically intercepted, Ivan had a full melt down, and as I was muscling him out of the room he shrieked "Don't take me to the bathroom and pank me."  I will have you know that that has only happened once when we were having brunch in Birmingham, and it was the same morning that Ivan stuck a wet lollipop in a sheep coat which we were then forced to buy, and it was just a terrible day all around.  I had no intention of "pank"-ing anyone today, I just knew that we needed to leave before the situation headed any farther South.

So, we went to Whole Foods where I fed myself and just felt even worse and the whole day just devolved into me sitting on the couch eating Cheetos.  Bleh.  Definitely taking tomorrow off.

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