Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday/ Friday: Run, Gilad, and Swim

So yesterday, the blog site was down the whole day, and there was no blogging to be done.  Maybe best for all of us, as Ivan had to stay home from school again today with his impetigo, and I had nothing but bitterness and woe to impart.  We had a massive cue-tip disaster that ended in tears and time outs and great sadness for all concerned.  I would just like you to know that it takes almost a full hour and a half to make a three year old clean up 1000 cue-tips that he explodes from a zip lock bag.  It seemed though, that the importance of teaching my three year old to follow through with a clean up task was worth the time and effort it took to stay on his back and have him clean.  It always seems that the most time consuming pieces of parenting happen when you can least afford to give up the time.  Cue-tip explosion happened, of course, when I was in the midst of a phone conversation with our director at my office.  We needed to accomplish things, and when I turned around from my phone call to find that Ivan had unleashed an army of cue-tips.

Anyway, when I gleefully deposited Ivan in his crib for a nap, I got in a Gilad workout and then played out side with Ivan until his father arrived home and I could get out for a run.

This morning, it was raining torrentially, which is hard times in my life without a garage.  I just resigned myself to being late to swim and waited for a small break in the rain to load Ivan into the car and head to swim.  Ultimately, I only got in about 1600 meters or 1750 yards.  This is pretty pathetic, but it is just one of those things.

Ivan and I went to Whole Foods for lunch, and it was most pleasant.  I had forgotten to take his diaper bags and snacks to swim today, so I guess he was pretty hungry when we arrived at Whole Foods.  He chose his lunch from the hot bar and sat in a chair and ate and had conversation like a real little person.  Normally, I am somewhat fearful about taking him anywhere that he is not completely restrained, but maybe I figured out the key today.  Maybe, I just do not feed him for at least two hours before we go anywhere.  Is that really my strategy though??  It sounds a little Oliver Twisty to me, especially in the face of a child who never eats at all.

Anyway, we hit swimming lessons in the afternoon and headed home to spend some time outside!!

Ivan has his first triathlon tomorrow!!  Exciting times.  The "swim" is running through a sprinkler!!

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