Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday: Worthless Weekend

Do you ever have weekends where you wonder where the time went?  On Saturday, when my alarm went off, it groggily occurred to me that some members of my running group were running the Country Music Marathon and Half-Marathon, and the ones who were not were going down to watch the others run.  So, I thought I would take the opportunity to sleep in and run on my own in the afternoon.

I lounged on the couch eating breakfast, and watched the Today show version of the Royal Wedding.  I liked the BBC version better, as the Today show version spent more time with the crowds and some of them were honestly seriously nutty.  I liked the history and such on the BBC better.

Anyway, after losing three more hours of my life to the Royal Wedding, (I mean honestly, I spent as much time watching the Royal Wedding as I spent planning my own wedding)  a friend came for a visit, by which time it was 4:00 PM.  See what I mean, I lost the whole day.  Gone.  I will never get it back.  NOW, I meant to run after my visitor left, but my neighbors were having a party, and I went there instead.  Then it was dinnertime and THEN, I went to bed.  NOW, I have not had a day off this week, and taking Saturday off was no big thing, I just wish I had been productive.

Today was the first day of open-water swimming, but the water was 65 degrees, and since it was thundering and lightning at my house it seemed that swim was most likely off, so I again stayed in bed.  We did head to church and I ran in the afternoon, pureed some vegetables, made tomorrow night's dinner and researched the benefits of coconut oil.

Swim tomorrow and determined to utilize my time correctly.

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