Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday: Run!!!!

So my day began at 4:00 AM today when Ivan ended up inexplicably in our bed.  This never goes well, and my husband went right back to sleep, but I could feel two small eyes boring into me and then Ivan started softly saying, "hi, hi, hi Mommy", then he went to sleep, and I stared grumpily into the darkness until my alarm went off.  My alarm went off at 5:45 AM and I popped up to meet my running group.

I have to say that things went remarkably well on my run.  It was a perfect day, I got in 11 miles, and though mile 11 was super slow, I felt great about my mileage and may even bump it up a bit next weekend. Starting at 6:30 AM works well, because I can get in three-ish miles before the main run.

At home, I inquired into exactly how Ivan ended up in our bed and apparently, horror upon horrors, he has learned to unzip his crib tent.  He woke up in the middle of the night and softshoed himself to my husband's bedside, where he we was summarily hoisted into bed so that no one had to wrestle him back into his own bed.  I am seriously concerned about Ivan being able to climb out of his crib.  This could mean that sleeping through the night is compromised for all of us.  Ivan is too young to have a digital clock in his room and be threatened within an inch of his life if he come out before 7:00 AM.  I feel a deep concern about the direction our sleep situation is taking.

Following this dark dark realization, we headed to the farmer's market and bought some plants for our garden and all sorts of great breakfast foods!!  It was lovely.

Spent rest of day watching the Derby and needlepointing.  My pick finished last.


Caity said...

Betsy- check out these clocks...they help teach kids when it's okay to get up and when they need to stay in bed. I've heard they work wonders.

scott said...

Ms.Sloan may I suggest giving Ivan your bed and purchase bunk beds for Elliot and you. Or just go with the flow. He won't be little for long so enjoy it.