Sunday, May 15, 2011

Sunday: I Meant to Do Something Aerobic, but It Just Did Not Happen

Ivan at Monkey Joe's
So this morning, I had a bad case of the tiredness, and it never fails that my child wakes up on such mornings like a firecracker.  I always wish we could just sit on the couch, and work out our respective morning issues with morning beverages.  This never happens, and I should stop thinking about it.

Anyway, we trotted off to church, and normally, Ivan is a lamb at church.  He loves the organ, the singing and walking up to take communion.  Today, however, he climbed under the pews, and I could not get him. I could not grab him, and when I finally popped up the aisle, and grabbed him by the ankle, he writhed and yelled "No, Mommy".  It was the worst, and I sometimes wonder if his poor behavior is somehow proportionally related to my shoe choice.  As soon as I put on a pair of heels, you can count on Ivan to sprint away, and I am left helplessly tottering around as if on stilts attempting to catch him.  It seems that I can most count on his good behavior when I am wearing running shoes.

After young Sloan was muscled down for his nap, I put in earplugs and covered my eyes with a peeper sleeper and took a nap myself.  It was very nice, and, I will say that a Sunday afternoon nap makes most things better.

Upon waking, I shuttled myself off to a baby shower where I ate so much fruit and gluten free cake.  It was all quite delicious.  At home, I am biding my time until I hit the sack.

Swim tomorrow!!

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