Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday: Swim and Gilad

So this morning, I felt like a new person when I woke up.  I feel that my sleep caught up with me in a bad way and when I got plenty of sleep I was right as rain.  I had a Green Magma orange juice, which is my new detox thing that I learned from Dr. Perricone.  It is basically like a wheat grass shot, and you must click on the link and read about it.  I have often longed for my own personal wheat grass shot machine.  You cannot put wheat grass in a juicer, so you have to grow the wheat grass and then buy this THING that you screw to your countertop, and it is all too much work for words.  To receive maximum benefit from wheat grass you need to have a shot like 5 times a week, and I just cannot drag Ivan to Whole Foods for a wheat grass shot every day of the week.  However, now that I can mix up my Green Magma situation, I feel that complete detox health is within my reach.

You know, the more I look at what I eat during the day, (for instance, today I had a little white bread meltdown at work which resulted in my consumption of one biscuit, half a chess square and a turkey bagel sandwich.  Ooooh, and a small Cheeto meltdown.) the more I realize that Green Magma cannot really detox that.  It is one thing to have a little bit of chocolate and QUITE ANOTHER to submit to a full on bleached flour apocalypse of the digestive system.  Aaaah well, I did have a fabulous smoothie for breakfast AND a spinach with grilled chicken and avocado salad for lunch.  Things apparently get out of hand after 5:00 PM at my house.  Do movie stars have more discipline than me or can they just hire someone who refuses to allow them to have a 5:00 PM meltdown?  Aaahh, questions I will one day ask my currently non-existent movie star friend.

Now, I made it to swim on time.  I swam 3200 meters.  I forgot to take a picture of the workout, so I will try to remember it for you.

  • 200 swim
  • 200 IM
  • 8 x 50 swim/drill
  • 8 x 25 1/2 fast/ 1/2 easy
  • 4 x 200 descend @ 3:30
  • 4 x 100 descend @ 2:00
  • 4 x 50 descend @ :50
  • 500 pull
  • 300 kick
At home, I got in a Gilad workout, got ready for work and got home a little later than usual.  

Now tonight, I had the luxury of watching the FULL 29 minutes of the Beastie Boys new video, and I am in love with most of it.  I am linking the five minute version for you.   It is rife with cameos and Elijah Wood totally outstrips his role as Frodo to play Mike D.  I think he plays Mike D anyway.  It is fabulous, and I love it.  It will make your day to see that the Beastie Boys have still got it.  

Finally, I received my new Vanity Fair today which I am pretty excited about.  Vogue usually leaves me feeling a bit inadequate, but Vanity Fair feeds my nerdiness.  FOR INSTANCE, this month's feature article is the marital history of Blenheim Palace which is Winston Churchill's family seat.  How thrilling is that??  It is so thrilling!! 

The downside of this month's Vanity Fair is that it has three Polo Cologne adds and it smells like my seventh grade gym class which was always nauseating with sad adolescent boys wearing so much awful cologne.  


Busy day tomorrow!!

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