Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday: Mother's Day

So the plan for today was church in the morning and then Mother's Day brunch and then swim in the afternoon.  I woke up, however, to a sore throat, raging headache and a general sense of malaise.  I feel that this is the result of a sleepless week, and I will say that after I puttered around this morning and then got back in bed and slept for HOURS, I felt remarkably better.  Now, I really did sleep ALL DAY.

When I woke up for a couple of hours, I watched Rosie Pope: Pregnant in Heels.  It renewed my understanding that ANYONE can have children.  ANYONE.  ANY OLD PERSON can reproduce, give a baby life and transfer everyone of their insecurities onto that poor bundle of seven pounds or so.  Though, whatever my criticisms, I do wish that I had Rosie Pope's shoe collection and also her legs, which are long and lovely.

In the evening, I ate a few Kashi oatmeal chocolate chip cookies (read 8) and had an apple and a piece of breakfast casserole before attending to my toenails and getting ready to crawl right back into bed.

Assuming all is well tomorrow, I will head to swim!!

1 comment:

judybean said...

Hope you feel better, Bets! I love those Kashi chocolate chip(w/ oatmeal too, I think) cookies!