Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday: Run, Toddlers and Trikes, Monkey Joe's, Lunch and Shopping and Harry Potter

So such an eventful Saturday.  At 6:15 this morning, my friend Kennette (the great), met me at 6:00 AM, at my house for a 6 mile run.  It was not my fastest.  My speed is dripping away steadily, and I am taking a ridiculous amount of bathroom breaks.  Anyway, once the run was accomplished, Ivan and Elliott and I loaded up and headed over to the Toddlers and Trikes triathlon around the corner.  It was pretty great.

There was a bike leg, a run leg and a "swim" leg where the kids ran through sprinklers.  It was the cutest and we really debated as if it really mattered whether Ivan should ride his trike or his coaster bike.  We ultimately decided on the tricycle, because Ivan seemed to have the most control over the situation when his feet were squarely on the pedals.  Ivan pedaled hard, but the big bikes beat him out,  his run was pretty great, and it was so chilly this morning, that he went to great lengths to avoid getting touched by the sprinklers.

After the triathlon, we sprinted across Franklin to Monkey Joe's which is really a huge room of about 6 bouncy houses, and there is a large scary lavender monkey (Monkey Joe!!) wandering the premises.  Ivan was initially terrified of the Monkey Joe's Mascot, THEN he was obsessed.  Poor Monkey Joe has never had so many high fives and hugs as he received today.

The bouncy houses were amazing and filled with huge slides and all sorts of inflatable bounciness.  He was overwhelmed by fun, and let me just tell you that leaving was so difficult.  There was tackling, threatening and muscling out to the car involved.

At home, I got ready and headed out to have lunch with my siblings and then some shopping.  It was great and so much fun.  I ate good food and learned that white jeans are not going to be my friend this summer.  

At home,  my long wait to see the first part of the last installment of Harry Potter is almost complete.  We received Harry Potter in the mail from Netflix, AND THEN, our DVD player broke.  It was pretty tragic.  Today, the DVD player was replaced, and I am on the couch totally engrossed.

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