Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday: Day Off

So Thursday was my day off, because it was Ivan's last day of nursery school, a whirlwind of errands, a sushi run, and early pick up for Ivan.  It was a zoo.  When Ivan had his impetigo sickness, I felt like we were trapped in the house, bored to tears and staring at each warily.  On a day like today, I longed for that slow of a day.  Once ready to leave the house, I hustled Ivan off to nursery school with no time for dwaldeling or playing with the automatic door or chatting with the nursery school moms.

I hurtled downtown for a doctor's appointment, then off the the knit shop to pick up a project to take to Spain !!!!.  (Just so you know, it is very hard to take something like needlepoint on a plane, but when you take a bit of knitting, it is quite portable.  On an overseas flight, you have to have something to do with your hands, as you can only read for so long.) After knitting, I filled up the car with gas and then headed to the grocery store.  I cannot help but notice that every time I take Ivan to the grocery store, I spend at least 10 more dollars than necessary on things to placate Ivan and things to relieve my stress.  Also, I stay there for what seems like HOURS.  Ivan complains and wants to look at things, and the trip is ALL OVER if there happens to be a lobster tank.  Ivan can waste a good hour in front of a lobster tank, and if he happens to get away from me by crawling out of the cart or wrenching out of my hand, he runs straight back to the lobster tank.  He loves a lobster tank.  Balloons are also a problem, and overall, I think that my three year old is just not a very focused shopper.

So, I was able to knock out grocery shopping, before hitting my sushi place.  I am sushi-ed out and looking forward to swim tomorrow!!

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