Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday: Swim and Run

So this morning, I dragged myself from bed in a housekeeping frenzy.  After making smoothies and cleaning about the house, we were late for swim, but not so big a thing.  I have no idea what I did at swim. I think there were some 300's, some pulling and there were most definitely some long kicks.

Someone left a ziplock baggie of oatmeal cookies on the bleachers, so I ate them all.  Thank you that they were not laced with arsenic or some sort of weed killer, because honestly, where did they come from and why were they there.  It is not atypical of me to note that there is free food lying about and eat myself into some sort of food coma.  Never invite me to a buffet, I will shame you and possibly fistfight you for the maximum portions of smoked salmon.  Sample day at the grocery store or Cosco is honestly a fearsome place at which to find me on a Saturday afternoon as I am usually eating like a competitor in a Japanese eating contest. Eating out of a random ziplock bags is however, a bit beyond the pale even for me.  They were reasonably good cookies, and hopefully, that ziplock bag full of cookies will be replenished on Monday, and it will be like a fairy tale of hunger satiation.

Anyway, at home there was some lunching, napping and a run that somehow ended up being a jog stroller run.  In my current condition, I will say that pushing the 16 pounds of jog stroller plus the 32 pounds of no longer a baby Sloan is quite a load.  He was quite keen on eating a popsicle and sitting in the jog stroller while I ran, however, and so run we did.

Going to bed early, not going to bail on running tomorrow!!

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