Friday, July 22, 2011

Thursday and Friday: Yoga, Gilad, Run and Swim

Now, I did actually work out a bunch over the last two days, but the centerpiece of my news is that I loaded Sloan IV up and went to consult with the pediatrician about potty training.  Now, my pediatrician (the fabulous Dr. Bastian) is pretty laid back, yet very attentive and he is one of my favorite people.  I sort of hoped that he would say that there was a potty training boarding school somewhere in the Cotswold, and we needed to send Ivan there for two weeks.  Needless to say, no one is going to potty train my child for me, and I pinned way too much hope on this Dr.'s appointment.  My mother came with me, so that Dr. Bastian and I could speak privately about potty training.

However, Dr. Bastian sort of took the wind out of my sails by telling me we did not really need to speak privately.  He really thought I just needed to back down, not make an issue, and maybe get Ivan a portable potty.  He said what EVERYONE and their brother has said to me, that Ivan's bathrooming is the only thing that he can control and if I continue to push, he will continue to control.  SO, I am not pushing and whatever.  My pediatrician assures me that Ivan will not wear a diaper to prom and probably not even to kindergarten.

So, potty training ad nauseum aside, I got in a great Gilad workout as well as some yoga yesterday.  I ran in the evening and popped up early for swim today.  I swam 3000 meters this morning and am setting my sights on getting up early to run!!

1 comment:

scott said...

Ms. Sloan,
If you continue to push.. please do not watch the movie Psycho starring Anthony Perkins