Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday: Swim

Oh, how I love to pat myself on the back when I make it out of bed at the crack of dawn to get in a workout.  It is so enjoyable to sing my own praises; to casually mention to people at church that I got in a two-mile lake swim before ever darkening the doors of the house of the Lord.  To waltz into Whole Foods as it is opening to pick up my coconut yogurt, and say to the cashier, why yes, my hair is wet.  I just showered off after my two mile lake swim this morning.  It is about all I have to brag about these days, as it appears that "brilliant at potty training" and "svelte" are currently off my list.

I really did have nice swim.  I am pretty slow, but it is so placid at the lake in the early morning and you swim straight into the sunrise.  The water was slightly warm after a bit, but all in all, it did not seem worrisome.  I glided in an out and apart from seriously shaving the skin off one of my feet on a jagged rock, all was well.

Also, I enjoy the morning drive to swim.  There is no one on the roads and I eat my oatmeal and drink my Glowing Green Smoothie without talking to anyone.  It only takes me about 10 minutes to get out the door, and once I have dragged myself from the bed, I am pleased to be awake.

Now, as usual, Saturday night turned into a read-a-thon, as I am just loving The Shadow of the Wind.  It is all about mystery and Barcelona and odd little characters.  It is great, and I read and read and read all night until I noticed that I was going to be miserable when my alarm went off.

I made it home from my swim, packed Ivan and myself off to church where things went quite well.  I took a nap at home, headed out for a visit, took Ivan to a playground, and planted myself on the couch to while away the rest of the evening.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pat on the back indeed! congratulations!