Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sunday and Monday: Not Our Best

So on Sunday, we had some schedule mixups and my husband had a bike race that started quite early which halted my plans to swim at the lake on Sunday morning.  This actually turned out to be all right as I was feeling faint and yucky, and it was probably not the best thing to haul myself into open water with any possibility of loss of consciousness.  Also, the heat has officially settled in, and it is oppressive.  SO, I spent most of the morning reading The Shadow of the Wind, and lazing around on the couch while Ivan played about and road his bike in the house and watched Sesame Street.

All in all it was not the worst day ever, but we literally did nothing.  My husband did not arrive home until 6:00 PM and I finally got out for a run at around 7:30 PM, but the day was really a wash in terms of any constructive accomplishments.  I did not even make the bed until 5:30 PM.

Yesterday, was a day of frustration, and let me tell you why: the potty training, if you have not already picked up on it, is really getting to me.  I am losing at every turn, I have talked to everyone I know, I have read everything there is to read, I have been in chat rooms online.  I feel that I need a support group and a prescription for Xanax if I am to survive this.  Anyway, I am totally sensitive about it.  For instance, our neighbor stopped to talk to me on my run on Sunday, and she told me that their son, nine months younger than mine, had just "decided to start using the potty", "he has pooped in the potty 6 times this week".  Well, the first thing that popped into my mind as a reply was, "Your mother's a whore, so that must be hard for you".  No, I did not say this aloud, but the mere fact that it leapt into my head as a reply is an indicator that I am cracking.

I ordered Ivan some plastic bloomer pants to go over his underwear, so that if he wet his pants, he just had to sit it.  I was sure that this would be the game changer, but I have this sinister feeling that there is no way to change the game.  I feel that I put on the plastic pants, and Ivan thought to himself "Aha, round 42 in the potty training ring, Oh Yes, I will go there". Ivan peed his little pants all day and happily, if not gleefully, sat in it.  He moseyed up to me at one point, and wiggled his hips like a hula dancer so that I could hear the pee sloshing back and forth inside the plastic pants.  He had been seated on the toilet SECONDS before and had refused emissions.  He seemed to think the sloshing urine was pretty funny, and I almost came out of my skin.  It is hard times.

Anyway, yesterday, I went to swim, and Ivan went to the nursery and kept dry pants the whole time.  It seems to be just at home now that he shows no interest in using the indoor plumbing.  I got in a yoga session in the afternoon as well as many many mundane household chores.  Did someone pee on my yoga mat as I was in downward dog?  Why Yes, they did.  Whatever.

1 comment:

Auntie Leann said...

I wish there was something I could do. hang in there, Mommy. love you.