Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday: Run and Gilad

So, I feel that we are almost out of the Daylight Savings Time woods.  I slept reasonably well last night, and Sloan the Younger went to sleep at 9:00 PM, so we may get back to 7:30 bedtime at some point.  Now, there were two points in the night when he woke up, and made a a bit of noise that woke us up. I have high hopes that tonight is the night that Young Sloan is asleep at 8:15 and makes it through the night.

We did make it to nursery school on time, as apparently we are learning to function without sleep.  Back at home, I got in a Gilad workout and a six mile run.  The weather was SO beautiful today that our neighborhood felt like a park.

In other news, I received a phone call from nursery school that my child had taken a flying head first leap from the jungle gym and landed on his mouth.  They told me not to worry, but his lip had exploded.  Blood everywhere, but a trip to the nurse's office and some quiet time with Boo Boo Bear had apparently made everything OK.  They put him on the phone with me, and he stated that "I hurt my wip, but I not cry".  So brave, so sad.

When I picked him up, his lip was indeed fat with two big gashes in the bottom lip.  He was chipper and happy, but had not taken much of a nap.  We headed out to swim and visit his great-grandmother (Mimi)!! It was a great trip with lots of stories about my husband's father as a child (his first concussion after being thrown from a horse) and a great swim at the heated pool in her complex.

At home, in response to the weather, it is an evening of pedicures and fake tans!!

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