Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Tuesday: A Most Successful Day

It is monsooning, here. Right about the time I was ready to run, the sky opened up with the kind of billowing rain that was blowing sideways and heralding a trip to Oz. For this reason, I drank a few extra cups of tea and made my way to the gym around the corner for a tempo run on the treadmill. I rarely go to the gym around the corner from my house, but it is quite handy for a quick three miler at race pace when I need a treadmill, or if I am injured (saints preserve us) and need an elliptical machine. The pool is kept slightly warmer for senior citizen water aerobics, so it is hard to swim farther than a mile. I depend on the Concord Road rec center for heavy duty swimming.
I got in my run, while Ivan stayed at home. Then he and I cleaned up the kitchen and watched The Wiggles. He is teething something fierce and also being weaned off the bottle. It is a tough week. I would think being weaned off a bottle would be something like quitting smoking, and Ivan is exhibiting what I think would be typical of smoker's withdrawal irritibility. For this reason, I have seen two episodes of The Wiggles today while holding Ivan in my lap.
I could tell you how I have all of The Wiggles ridiculous songs memorized and constantly streaming in my brain or how I have developed a crush on Anthony, the most masculine Wiggle, who wears blue. I could tell you how I want to strangle Captain Feather Sword, The Wiggles' Pirate friend who is the least believable pirate ever, but it is all too dark to go into. Suffice it to say that I am listening to The Avett Brothers at top volume to drown it away. I am loving these Avett Brothers so much that it makes me think I may need to do a "what I am listening to post" tomorrow.
Anyway, when Ivan went down for his nap, I crawled onto the trainer and rode while watching a documentary about American teenagers. I rode consistently for half an hour and that's really all I can say. The documentary was just depressing, and I am so glad I am out of high school and that I don't have to go back. Mercy, those times were ridiculous.
I got in a Gilad workout with some seriously painful ab work, and I put together my new chin-up bar and did three chin-ups before I headed into work. My goal is ten chin-ups, but I will tell you a secret: chin-ups are so hard. I barely got in three before work.
Work was great, though I had a little oatmeal cookie meltdown while I was there. Overall, though, I am eating like a champ for this stage of the holiday season. At home, I threw together a very mediocre dinner before attempting three more chin-ups, which ended up being two-and-a-half chin-ups. Chin-up total = 5.5
Knitting and watching Paper Heart tonight. All I have learned from Paper Heart is that I really like Michael Cera, and he is shooting way low. That is his thing, however.

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