Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday: Swim and Swim

This morning, Ivan and I managed to make it out the door by a bit before 8 and arrive at the pool at a bit before 8:30.  Heading off to the pool is such a joy and it became doubly a joy this morning, when the YMCA called to let me know that they had miraculously found Ivan's dog and blanket.  I have rarely been so thrilled. And as of today there is a new rule that dog and blanket do not leave the house except for vacations and overnights with Gigi and Rusty.  The day to day risk of losing dog and blanket is just not an option.

I got in 1800 meters before the outdoor pool closed, and then I got in 1400 yards in the indoor pool.  I did my usual alone workout, which was 500 pull, 500 swim, kick when I got bored.  It was lovely, and Ivan was having a great time when I picked him up.

We loaded up for a visit to his great-grandmother where he swam and turned flips in the pool.  We then loaded up and went to a swim lesson, then home for naps and Sesame Street, then we were off to the YMCA as we are getting in every bit of outdoor swim fun before they close the pool for the fall season.  I was able to pop into evening swim practice and get in another 1000 meters before showering and heading home and eating all sorts of terrible food.

In fact, while I have eaten a whole lot of vegetables and such today, I have put down a lot of sugar, in fact ending my day with a good bit of a strawberry milkshake.  It was much too much, and tomorrow I need to tone it down.  Too much sugar never feels great at the end of the day.

Also, potty training went quite well today!!

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