Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wednesday: Snake Drama and Swim

So last night at midnight, I heard the ominous paper crumpling sound that heralded the arrival of the snake in our bathroom toilet vent.  Now, last night, I felt that the situation warranted the waking of my husband and the encouragement of his investigation.  I hoped, in the futile and foolish recesses of my mind, that he would be spurred to action.  Now, it took a full half hour to rouse him. I will say that my husband is of the sort, that if told, say, that Osama Bin Laden was actually alive and well and sleeping directly under his side of the bed, would most likely groggily insist that even international terrorists need their sleep and we could talk about it in the morning.  He just does not compromise on his sleep: snake or no snake.

Anyway, when finally roused, he irritably stumbled to the bathroom with a flashlight where he viewed the snake swirling malignantly in the vent above the toilet, and then TURNED ON THE FAN.  Now, luckily the snake did not get caught in the fan, because I cannot EVEN FATHOM the gore of that situation.  What happened is that the snakeskin was decimated and blew in fluttery bits out of the vent.  Now at this point,  I personally would like to set our bathroom on fire.  I feel that is the ONLY way that this situation will be solved in such a way that I will feel comfortable.  My husband merely brushed the fluttery snakeskin from his shoulders and hair and WENT BACK TO BED.

Now, the other unfortunate part of the snake situation is that now when the fan is turned on, it is clogged with snakeskin and causes the fan to emit a high pitched whining sound when turned on.  It is terrible.  Terrible for serious.

In other news, Ivan and I had a long day of trip preparing and working away at things that must be finished before I leave on vacation.  It was rather dull, and he was very glad to visit his dad at work and have some ipad time.

I was able to pop in to swim and get in a good 3000ish meters and a shower, before heading home for the night.

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