Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday: Home From Montana

So for the past week, I have been in a fishing lodge outside Livingston, Montana.  There was no television and the internet was spotty at best.  I ingested these fabulous breakfast buffet blueberry french toast casseroles and a whole bunch of red meat, and I am in need of a serious detox.

Working out this week was a bust, as my confinement combined with altitude made running so difficult.  AND, due to biohazard issues at the Livingston City Pool, I was unable to swim.  I did run and there was a good bit of walking and hiking, but overall, it was a week of entertaining my child without the help of technology which makes me wonder how Laura Ingalls Wilder did it.

ALSO, most unfortunate, the fishing lodge did not have cribs, and Ivan had to try his luck sleeping in his own adult bed.  There were multiple incidences of falling out of the bed and head bumps, ect, ect ect. I, however, true to form, turned over all middle of the night issues to my husband.  I greatly dislike sleep disturbances.

Anyway, in a gross oversight of my child's schedule, I booked a flight that arrived in Nashville at midnight.  There was lots of grumpiness and poor sleep, and we all functioned in a blur today until Ivan went down for his nap at which point we all napped.  Sleeping in and not hitting running group tomorrow.  Maybe will be more interesting tomorrow.

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