Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday: Does Anyone Have a Mongoose??

So, I will be honest and let you know that the snake is apparently still living above my toilet, and no one in my household seems even REMOTELY concerned about the situation.  Someone, who shall remain nameless, feels that the snake is great for pest control, and I guess that I will just continue sitting on the toilet while looking straight above at the vent to make sure that I am not about to have any sort of Snakes on a Plane drama.  I have to say that when I am gestating, it seems that having to sit on my own toilet and face concerns about a snake is particularly cruel.  I mean, I am currently urinating about 1000 times per day AND NIGHT.  May I not do that in peace?  May I not have that one thing?  I will probably end up turning feral and going in the yard to avoid the snake, Ivan will never never potty train and we will be like Lord of the Flies together.  Maybe we will be some sort of untoileted cult, ALL BECAUSE SOMEONE THINKS A SNAKE IN THE HOUSE IS A GREAT IDEA.

Anyway, I had a busy day of desperate running about to accomplish work and chores that must be done before we head out for family vacation.  I did get in a really challenging Yoga session and I hope that I  can get out to swim tomorrow evening.

Until then, if you happen to have a particularly adept mongoose, would you swing him by?

1 comment:

concerned auntie said...

plural of mongoose...mongoose. Mongoose are lovely creatures, who thrive in St. John, VI. I will happily fly down and return with one if you can give me some frequent flier miles. the snake will be the stuff of historic family folktales. he/she must be banished from thy kingdom.