Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday: Love Affair with the Maryland Farms YMCA

So our new gym membership is totally luxurious and thrilling.  Ivan and I are living the life of people who do not take showers at the county rec center, who have the option of either indoor or outdoor swim and whose childcare services are a comparative Disneyworld.  It really is nice.

Yesterday, Ivan went to childcare and I swam in the indoor pool for an hour and a half and then came back in the afternoon to let Ivan play at the kids' pool, where he was wild with excitement at the slides and swimming and water buckets and fountains.  We did have an issue with someone running away and hiding himself at the top of the kiddie playground tower where I could not get to him in my state of confinement.  For this reason, another mother had to scale the playground equipment in her bathing suit and extricate my child from the top while he howled "no pank" "no pank" the whole way down.  It was the worst, and I had to shut down our YMCA "fun" excursion to take Ivan straight home and administer consequences.  Bleh!!

Today was a new day, however and Ivan behaved like a prince at the YMCA and I was able to swim a couple of miles before heading home for naptime and evening of setting up my ebay auctions.  I am cleaning out my closet!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laughed out loud at NO PANK!!!! xoxo