Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sunday: Easter

I must say that today was a whirlwind of Easter egg hunts, sugar highs, lost naps, tantrums and too much coffee. I think, if I am rating stressful holidays, I might rate Easter the most stressful. The thing with Christmas, is that on Christmas day, you are not really expected to look great. There is some acceptance to spending a day in pajamas with cup of coffee and not going anywhere, even though there is all the shopping and the cooking and the what not. Thanksgiving is generally one large afternoon meal. There is no reason to get up at the crack of dawn and make a desperate attempt to look great and make your child look great before 8:00 AM.
Easter involves getting up early to get to church with your child and husband all in church clothes. Church is extra crowded, so communion takes extra long, and Ivan got extra antsy and had to be taken out. We then had to load up in the car and drive out to pick up my husband's grandmother, before heading out to my parent's house for lunch. All this needs to be accomplished while looking lovely. It is stressful. Stressful indeed.
After a few hours, my dress was pinching and my coffee was wearing off and this was just about the time than Ivan starting tantruming and spazzing out at the height of his sugar rush before passing out in his car seat on the way home. It made for a long day.
You would think a car seat nap would make Ivan a happier child, but he was so ridiculously irritable when he finally woke up, that I ended up giving him a bottle, just to keep him quiet. I have never been happier to put someone in bed and contemplate life alone on a desert island.
Contemplating life alone on a desert island was all I could do to block out contemplating the amount of Easter candy and desserts I had eaten. I mean honestly, I stopped the madness at 9:30 PM with a handful of malted chocolate eggs.

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