Saturday, April 3, 2010

Saturday: It Appears I Am Starting an Early Taper

This morning, I was up before my alarm went off, which I always think is a good sign. My evening ended quite early last night and I was in bed with a book by 9:00 PM and asleep before 10:00 PM. I felt like Benjamin Franklin or a 90 year old, but in a good way. Ultimately, it needs to be done more often, as I am all around a bit more lovely inside and out when I have a good night's sleep.
Anyway, I needed to get in a 15 mile run today, which I was completely prepared to do, until it started raining. I ran the first few miles feeling fine, but pretty gripey about the wind. The wind. The wind. The wind. Why will it be so windy in the spring? The wind was bad, until it started raining in the middle part of the run. This was worse. The wind and the rain was an unfortunate situation, until it started raining horizontal and I was just soaked to the skin. Then the thunder and the lightning and I bailed at 10.7 miles.
I wasn't sure that I was going to bale, so I stopped under a shelter where a pleasant and reserved Englishman opened my Shot Blocks for me. (He was not training for anything - "I just like to run" he said in what I would call a slightly annoyed voice, nor had he read Born to Run, nor did he seem inclined to read it. And Honestly, why did I ask? It was 7:00 in the morning.)

I could have held off on the Shot Blocks as I decided to throw in the towel just three miles later. The rain was killing me and I looped towards the car, from where I needed to tack on 4.2 more miles, and I bailed. Small amount of mileage really, you would think I could have pounded it out, but no. I seem to be inadvertently tapering early.

At home, I lazed around and read The New Yorker. This week there was a super-depressing short story which I will not even tell you about, and there was an article on Polyvore. It is this interesting social networking website where you design outfit "set" with clothes that you find in online stores. You publish the sets as you would a facebook post or blog post and online friends can see your outfits. I lost 1.5 hours of my day to it, and loved every minute. If for some reason, I am taken ill and confined to my bed, I fully plan to Polyvore the time away. Check out my outfit for today!!!

1 comment:

caroline G said...

A envious lust set over me when I saw your outfit. Why I am not sure, since the entire thing is a dream outfit/location....I WANT TO GO TO LONDON AND WEAR COOL CLOTHES!!!!