Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wednesday: Under the Weather

And of course, I probably should have expected that after my hectic schedule, terrible eating, and all the rest of it, that I would come down with a bit of a something.  It seems like a cold or some such, and I didn't feel great on Tuesday and today it seemed that with a head cold it would be silly to stick my head underwater.  SO, I was able to get in a Gilad session and some yoga.  Ivan and I hung out at the house all morning and we had some successful potty training incidents.

I spent an inordinate amount of time on the phone with Garmin and FINALLY got my watch (310xt) reconnected, and it downloaded all but two of my recent workouts.  I got caught up on Cornelius Vanderbilt's goings and comings, and I wasted all sorts of valuable time on the internet and sending long emails.  Such long emails.  This is apparently what I do when I have time.

Also, I have eaten today as if food were going to become a lost commodity, and I needed to store up for a lifetime of starvation.  While it was all pretty good stuff, the volume was just astounding.  Tomorrow, I am heading into work and will have a free evening as Ivan is going to be spending the night out.  Very exciting!!

Hopefully feeling better and having a great workout as well.

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