Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday: Day Off

I find that my days off usually become days off by necessity, as I am SO busy that there is no chance of a workout happening.  We were up early, running about and doing our very best to get to a doctor's appointment on time, then another doctor's appointment, then to Whole Foods for lunch, then home to clean and plant and iron and maybe take a small nap before the babysitter arrived.  Then rushing off to a party and then out for a bite to eat.

It was madness.

According to my new obsession, The Beauty Detox Solution, I need to be doing some yoga to release toxins from my lungs.  I will have to cut myself a break, as I have really just arrived back in town and I am barely through all my travel laundry.  It won't kill me to have a day off.

Tomorrow, I have swim.  I am going to ATTEMPT to get to Whole Foods for the organic blueberry sale and I am going to attempt to get in a yoga session.  Hopefully, a good day of routine tomorrow and a good run on Saturday will really get everything flowing back to normal.

Also, I would like to pat myself on the back for having a beet juice with a wheat grass shot while at Whole Foods and a huge helping of kale.  Also the chicken fried tofu.  Why will it be so good??

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